- 07. Feb. 2019 / Donnerstag 20:00 Uhr
ReservierungReservierungen abgelaufen.
Freie Platzauswahl
Directed by PJ Escobio
Produced by Shakespeare Frankfurt
No assigned seating available for this performance / freie Platzwahl
Shakespeare Frankfurt presents a modernized version of “Othello” as seen through the lens of “Law and
Order”. Othello, head of a specialized FBI unit, falls prey to the machinations of one of his oldest and
most trusted agents, Iago and slowly succumbs to a monstrous jealousy. Based on the Folio text, this
scaled-down and streamlined version brings Shakespeare’s notions of honor, jealousy and betrayal into
a world entirely recognizable for a contemporary audience.
Cast: Renard Yearby, Paul Cowlan, Sara Jones, Varvara Pomoni, Jim Phetterplace Jr., Christopher Morahan, and Leanne Maksin.
Please be advised that strobe lights will be in effect in this production, which may be problematic for audience members that may suffer from epilepsy.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass in dieser Produktion Stroboskop-Effekte zum Einsatz kommen, die für Epilepsie-Gefährdete problematisch sein könnten.